Wednesday 18 January 2012

Natural Method Is The Easiest Available Relief For Joint Pain

Though joint pain is not taken as a serious issue by the common man, but the fact is that it is undoubtedly, the most serious health problems that give intolerable pain to the joints, thus hindering even the routine activities. Making use of natural methods is the best possible way to get a stunning relief for joint pain. Some of these methods are discussed below.

Dietary Treatments for Joint Pains – Garlic and ginger are extremely effective for getting relief for joint pains. The odour of ginger and garlic appears to be intolerable for some people. In order to reduce the strong odour, you can slightly fry the cloves of garlic in butter.

The fact is that, for arthritis, all bitter tastes are proven to be effective. So, you can consume bitter drumsticks and bitter gourd without any worries. You should avoid foods, which are difficult to digest. This extends to foods that are protein-rich, like pulses. Foods should not be deep fried because that can further vitiate the vata.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Joint Pains - Ayurveda prescribes various kinds of treatments to get a remarkable relief for joint pains. When an Ayurvedic doctor is approached by a patient, the first thing that he ascertains is the primary cause of the pain. The medicines are prescribed based on that.

Rheumatic arthritis is caused by a low digestive fire, by which ama, a substance in Ayurvedic language, gets retained in the body. The treatment of this includes the removal of ama by purgation and fasting, if needed. Then a mixture of galangala, garlic, punarnava and guggulu is given in dosages of one gram every day. Dashamoolarishta is recommended in a quantity of 15 millilitres thrice daily for three weeks.

If trauma is the cause of joint pain, then Vishagarbha taila is preferred for external application over the area where severe joint pain is felt. Internally, The patient is advised to take Guduchi tablets and Rasnadi Guggulu for internal administration, which should be taken in a quantity of around 250 milligrams three or four times daily with water.

People who have 50+ years of age encounter a kind of arthritic joint pain called osteoarthritis. In order to cure this condition, either Lakshadi Guggulu or Pravala Panchamrita is recommended. The dosages are 125 milligrams twice daily for one whole month and subsequently 250 milligrams thrice daily for another three months respectively. These are surely going to give considerable relief for joint pain.

Home Remedies for Joint Pains

    1. You should massage the painful joints with a mixture of eucalyptus oil, menthol and camphor before going to bed.
    2. Cultivate a habit of having a glass of carrot juice in the morning. You will have to continue this until you find commendable relief for joint pains, which normally happens within a week.
    3. Try not to keep your joints lethargic and at the same time, there is no need to exercise wildly. Perform simple activities and exercises with them, so as to keep them flexible.
    4. Always, prefer having a bath with warm water in the mornings, which is helpful in proper blood circulation.

To know more about natural ways that can be tried to get a relief for joint pains, please visit -

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